• NOTE: CURRENTLY HAVING EMAIL ISSUES! Still investigating how long messages haven't been delivered and how to fix it, I'm terribly sorry • See us in Polish Pickup every month ♡ • Join our Lucky 13 Lacqueristas group for updates •

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About Us

Lucky 13 Lacquer began in June 2012 as the side gig that fed Anya's nail polish addiction, but quickly became an obsession in its own right that led to a burning passion. Since then we've released over 300 unique nail polishes through our website and other exclusive vendors in the United States and abroad!

Anya AKA Kyoti: Glitter Quee, Alchemist & Sparkling Spoonie

The Ring Mistress in this mostly-one-woman circus! Anya is often found hunched over her desk in the lab, covered in glitter. She also suffers from chronic pain (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) which can interfere with day-to-day work, but it never keeps her down!

Erin: Secret Mermaid & Part-Time Tetris Wizard

If your order was neatly packed and found its way to you safely, it's due to Erin's packing skills! If it wasn't, let's blame it on the gnomes... (but shoot us an email so we can fix any issues!)

Sagan AKA Peachie: Supervisor & Feline Box Inspector

Sagan is often found snoozing on the job, but Lucky 13 just wouldn't be the same without him! He ensures all boxes are fully emptied so that they may be filled with his fluffy buns.

We are not affiliate with or endorsed by any brands, TV shows, movies, or other media. We're simply superfans who love wearing things with nerdy names and themes!